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Welcome to our site!

Please specify during the booking: how long you would stay, how many rooms you need, in the case of children in the comment section the age of the children. Also in the comment section should you write the other request (ask for a crib,etc.).

Breakfast up to 15 people is provided by the Bakery Café, a choice of sandwiches, a choice of hot breakfast drink (coffee or tea) or a choice of cold drink (1 bottle of half-liter mineral water or 2 dl of orange juice). For bookings over 15 people, our Room Bistro partner is available, where the breakfast selection awaits our guests, a choice of egg dishes, salami and cheese, vegetables, baked goods, a choice of hot breakfast drink (coffee or tea) or a choice of cold drink (water in a jug or 2 dl orange juice).
Our partners are in the area of the Zsolnay Quarter, in a separate building, about 2 minutes from the rooms.
We will confirm the breakfast at the time of booking, if you booked it with breakfast, however, we will see its location and time exactly 2 days before arrival, as it depends on the number of people. We kindly ask for your understanding in this.

Please indicate the need for a special diet or cold package no later than 48 hours before arrival. Beyond this deadline, we are unable to fulfill special requests or breakfast bookings.

If you would like to book less than 48 hours before arrival or would like to change your booking, or in case of cancellation, please write to us::

Best regards,

Team of the Zsolnay Guesthouse